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Projects & Initiatives

Downtown Columbus, Inc. oversees a diverse range of programs and projects aimed at advancing Downtown Columbus as a vibrant neighborhood, a premier destination, and a vital employment anchor.

Cultural Attractions

City-changing projects putting Columbus on the cultural map.

Parks & Greenspace

Downtown Columbus, Inc. led the development of 45 acres of greenspace in Downtown, creating a lush urban oasis and vibrant community gathering spots.

Business Initiatives

Empowering the local community and fostering economic growth to cultivate a vibrant first-floor experience in Downtown.

Neighborhood Development

From transforming blighted acres into dazzling new developments to expanding workforce housing opportunities in key employment areas, Downtown Columbus, Inc. is dedicated to making Downtown Columbus a neighborhood everyone can call home. 

Art & Public Realm

Creating a more colorful Downtown landscape through the creations of local and national artists alike.

Signature Programming

Downtown Columbus, Inc. hosts a diverse array of free events each year, intentionally programming spaces to ensure there’s something for everyone to enjoy Downtown.

Coming Soon

See how our projects fit into a vision for a more connected, inclusive and livable Downtown experience.